Al Gore Live Earth Save Our Selves (SOS)  The Campaign for a Climate in CrisisMark your calendars — Al Gore has announced that 7/7/07 isthe date of Live Earth, a massive series of global concerts toraise money and awarenessfor the dangers ofclimate change.

In order to solve the Climate Crisis, we have to reach billions of people. We are launching SOS and Live Earth to begin a process of communication that will mobilize people all over the world to take action, Gore said. The Climate Crisis will only be stopped by an unprecedented and sustained global movement. We hope to jump-start that movement right here, right now, and take it to a new level on July 7, 2007.

The concert will be taking place on all 7 continents and will feature 100+ artists doing what they do best in order to help the planet. The announced artists so far are as follows:

  • Pharrell
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Foo Fighters
  • Snoop Dogg
  • Lenny Kravitz
  • Bon Jovi
  • Paolo Nutini
  • Sheryl Crow
  • AFI
  • Melissa Etheridge
  • John Mayer
  • Damien Rice
  • Corinne Bailey Rae
  • Duran Duran
  • Snow Patrol
  • John Legend
  • Black Eyed Peas
  • Akon
  • Enrique Iglesias
  • Fall Out Boy
  • Man
  • Keane
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Korn
  • Faith Hill w/ Tim McGraw
  • Bloc Party
  • Source: Save Our Selves

7 Responses to “Al Gore's Live Earth: The Lineup So Far”

  1. 1 Radio Freq

    I must applaud anyone for efforts to make life better for us here on the planet but be very aware of this fact, there HAS been a green house effect on Earth before and our SUV’s and wasteful energy practices had nothing to do with it since we were not present at the time. The Earth has natural cycles that it goes through during it’s journey through space and time and episodes of ice ages and mini ice ages have visited the face of the Earth before and will some day visit us again and no book or concert will do anything to stop it. We are NOT a threat to the planet. The moment that we become a threat to our planet, our planet will be rid of us and until that day comes we are no more than a nuisance, a paper cut at best. Do not fall in this trap, a concert to protect the enviroment is about as useful as tits on a Boar hog. A concert to promote a new book and one’s self image to make a huge heaping profit…that sounds like the Al Gore that I’ve come to know over the years.

  2. 2 ug

    I see Exxon employees are everywhere these days.

  3. 3 Chris

    Well “Radio Freq” I guess I’ll just have to go with the scientists on this one, and not you.

  4. 4 ID

    I don’t think it’s the planet we are a threat to Radio Freq, but rather we are a threat to ourselves. Earth will always survive, but we will not be able to maintain our current lifestyles for much longer. So I’m thinking more of our future’s children.

  5. 5 Reality Bits

    The Era of ExxonMobil types is coming to an end. If one does not think that pumping unnatural amounts of pollution into the air is not a concern that I think they need their head examined.

    Once I found out that the first electric car was built and operating in 1904 and by 1934 13% of all the autos on the road were electric I was floored. Someone deliberatly killed the electic auto and to think that there could be NO conbustible engine autos on the road today; that we would not be in this gawddamn mess we are in now if it was for some peoples rapeing of the world.

    Big Oil along with BushCo should be tried and convicted of crimes against humanity. Those that are still alive and whom Presidented this country, who COULD have changed the situation and did not should also pay damages.

  6. 6

    it is an odd move to organize a huge event that will consume an enormous amount of energy for the purpose of conserving energy. especailly with such a terrible line-up.

  7. 7 Tom

    Hey Reality Bits,

    If you’re so in love with the electric car why don’t you go out and buy one? It’s not at all inconvenient to take several hours to fill up your car when it’s empty. The electricity still comes from coal burning power plants. You will only have a range of about 80 miles as long as you don’t use air con, head lights or radio.
    I know you like to believe the boogy man(oil company) killed the electric car, but it was the electric car that killed itself. People like being able to drive 400 miles before filling up. People like to fill up their cars in minutes, not hours.
    Can you please explain why Bush is responsible for the combustible engine??? Why do you hate a company that has made a reliable energy readily availible to use at a relatively cheap price? You’re more than welcome to stop using anything that required energy to make. Try it for a few days and see just how important those oil companies are.

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