Nintendo Wii Capcom UK for confirmation of Okami's move

Wii is arguably the most heralded consolelaunchedlast year. Okami received piles of acclaim and awards in 2006 as well.The Nintendo Wii controller seems custom made for the paintbrush action in Okami. Is there a secretplan to have the two join forces?

IGN has reported that a “reliable industry insider unaffiliated with Capcom told us that the company is seriously considering creating a Wii version and may even be working on it as we speak.”

For the moment, Capcom is mum on any prospects of seeing the white wolf on Nintendo’s next-generation console.

When contacted for a response, Capcom said: “Officially we have no plans for Okami on Wii at this time. Research and development are always looking at possibilities but given Clover is now closed for business, I think it highly unlikely a Wii version would be possible.”

However, IGN is still confident there’s still hope of the beautiful title hitting Nintendo Wii. We shall keep our fingers crossed.

1 Response to “Capcom 'Seriously Considering' Nintendo Wii Okami?”

  1. 1 JMG

    Gah. Why did Clover close? Its titles were so innovative and beautiful. Oh well. back to playing more Doom clones, I suppose…

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