Wii and PS3 : Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht talks to IGNForget Wii and Xbox 360 — the true “perfect combination” of consoles is Nintendo Wii And PS3. This is the opinion of Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht, the developer best known for the Star Wars Rogue Squadron titles.

Talking upNintendo’s console, Eggebrecht told IGN: “I love it, absolutely. As I’ve said many, many times, the perfect combination of consoles to have at home is a PS3 and Wii. Everybody really should have one.”

But he’s not exactly thrilled about how other third party developers have been doing on the new console so far.

“Yes. I’m so disappointed knowing exactly what the Wii can do — and I still think nobody knows it better than we (no pun intended) [laughs]. I really have to say, boy, am I disappointed! They all have finally figured out, five years into the hardware’s life cycle, how to do at least basic shaders and a rim light, but that’s what everybody does,” he lamented.

2 Responses to “F5: Nintendo Wii And PS3 Are Perfect Combo”

  1. 1 Prof-KOS

    So show us how it’s done right. Release another Rogue Squadron game, this time leave out the 3p shooting bit, and push the system to its limit. They did it with RS 2 & 3 and both looked amazing. Do something that looks even better than that and throw in some spectacular Wii controls and the game is a guaranteed winner. You cant argue with the install base either.

  2. 2 chris

    Factor 5 should develop another rogue squadron game or just a star wars title. They showed how they could push the gamecube beyond anything seen on the the xbox. Why not make a new benchmark by showing the world what the wii can do. Maybe rogue sqaudron in between epeisode 1 to 3.

    But the only think the factor 5 i haved to say they would and have sucked at. Is making lightsaber fighting. In rebel strike luke weilded a 2d pure white crappy saber. if they learnt hot better the lightsaber and control/physical mechanics then we have a good title on our hands

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