Wii News Channel Probably not. But still, it's a free way to get your fix of AP news on Opera, and there's no immediate plans to sell advertising space, which is a relief.We already know that Wii has impressed the masses with their innovative controller, but will they be equally as enthralled with the News channel that’s set to hit Nintendo Wii on Saturday?

Probably not. But still, it’s a free way to get your fix of AP news on Opera, and there’s no immediate plans to sell advertising space, which is a relief. So how does it work?

“The beauty of it is it zooms in and out of areas of the world,” said Nintendo’s Perrin Kaplan. “So if you really want to focus on regional news or national news versus international, you just blow up the map of the U.S.”

And that’s good for some ofthe early adopters of Wii who are — shall we say — less techy savvy than others.

“The Nintendo Wii demographic is definitely a wider demographic than your traditional hardcore gamer,” said Billy Pidgeon, a video game industry analyst at IDC in New York. “It kind of makes sense for other types of content to be made available on the Wii.”


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