Jennifer Strange water intoxication hosts fired by radio stationJennifer Strange, mother of three, died after participating in 107.9 KDND’s Morning Rave “Hold Your Wii For A Wii” contest. The cause of death was water intoxication; she is believed to have drank up to two gallons of water without urinating in order to win a Nintendo Wii.

Law enforcement is now investigation to see if any laws were broken. From

The Sacramento County Sheriff s Department and Sacramento County District Attorney s Office are launching an investigation in the death of Jennifer Strange, who was found dead in her home after taking part in a radio station water-drinking contest.

It would appear that the radio hosts were fully aware of the dangers of the Nintendo Wii contest, but did not seem to care about a possible serious outcome. From a transcript of the show:

Listener: I want to say that those people drinking all that water can get sick and die from water intoxication.

DJ: Yeah, we re aware of that.

DJ: Yeah, they signed releases so, we re not responsible, it s OK. (laughter) If they get to the point where they have to throw up, then they re going to throw up and then they re out of the contest before they die, so that s good, right

On Tuesday, KDND’s parent company, Entercom/Sacramento, fired 10 employees connected to the contest, including three morning disc jockeys. Additionally, the company took the morning show off the air completely.

1 Response to “Nintendo Wii Contest Hosts Get The Boot”

  1. 1

    This one makes sence “One’s first step in wisdom is to kuesstion everything - and one’s last is to come to terms with everything.”

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