Wii PS3 Japanese magazine publisher Enterbrain According to Japanese magazine publisher Enterbrain, Wii sales have been double the number of PS3 in Japan. Naturally, some of this discrepancy is due to the fact that Sony’s had severe stock shortages that have not plagued Nintendo Wii.

The Enterbrain study, which which covered 3500 stores, shows that Wii sold almost a million units(989,118, to be exaxct) since the Japan launch on December 2, 2006. As for PS3,the numbers are a little less than half that of Nintendo at466,716 units. Sony’s next-generation console’s Japanese launch was a full amonth and a half earlier on November 12.

As for Microsoft’s Xbox 360, the Japanese public still hasn’t warmed up. The console had ahuge head start on its competition, yetmanaged to sell a paltry 290,467 units. However, don’t cry for Microsoft just yet. Bill Gates has recently announced that Xbox 360 has just passed the 10 million unit mark globally since December 2006.

Source: gamesindustry.biz, Pro-G

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