PS3 And Wii Supply ShortagesFor those who are thinking that Wii and PS3 supply is going grow since the holidays are pretty much over, we’ve got some bad news for you. There are more shortages expected, with the time period of “months” being bandied about, not weeks.

Some shoppers are giving up onWii and PS3 altogether, instead opting forPS2 and Xbox 360, since both are still easy to purchase and there are pretty good deals to be had.

Paul-Jon McNealy, analyst forAmerican Technology Research, says that Sony will not make their target ofone million units. Instead, 600,000 to 800,000 units is a more likely number. He is of theopinion that the PlayStation 3will likely remainincredibly hard to find through the June quarter.

“They have to launch in Europe, and they’re stretched,” McNealy explained. It’ll be much earlier for Nintendo Wii, however. He expects the shortages to lighten upduring the March quarter.

So those of you who already have your PS3 or Wii in hand, consider yourselves lucky. There are millions of gamers out there who would love to be in your shoes.

Source: Fox News

2 Responses to “Nintendo Wii And PS3 Shortages To Continue”

  1. 1 mit

    lol walked in to toysrus and got 1 today and they still have 9 more. and they have had them for 2 days

  2. 2 Moe

    Same here man i walked into eb games and they had a bunch of ps3’s!

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