Nintendo Wii Comes Up With Th3 Plan

Th3 Plan Wii gains more and more popularity in the run-upWii is the onlynext gen console with Th3 Plan. And no, we’ve not got gotten into any sort of “l33t” spelling, we’re talking aboutthe upcoming Nintendo Wii game from Crave Entertainment and Monte Cristo/Eko.

Apparently, theESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) has recently rated theTh3 PlanT for Teen, alerting Codename Revolution to its existence. Here’s a description of the game from CR:

The game is about two of the worlds greatest thieves (sounds kinda like Oceans Eleven) who have always pulled off notorious heists around the world. However, five years ago the mafia hired the two to steal paintings in exchange for diamonds. Unfortunately your partner betrayed you during that heist. You will require to round a team (of thieves) with the most sophisticated gear to plan for the ultimate heist. The game features the ability to allow you to control three characters simultaneously, each doing actions from three different perspectives on screen.

Sadly, the PS2version of the game got a scathing review from Eurogamer, garnering only a 3/10:

Recall all those poor Splinter Cell and Metal Gear clones that came out a couple of years ago, when making a Splinter Cell or Metal Gear clone was at least a trendy thing to do - Mission Impossible: Operation Surma, Rogue Ops, Cy Girls - and know that this is worse than those. It’s not so broken it’s completely unplayable, but it’s not even basic enough to warrant trying to satisfy an hour’s curiosity.

Perhaps the plan will be to treat this one with caution.

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