WP Prefers Nintendo Wii To PS3

Wii is 'more fun' than PS3One can analyze the ongoing next-generation battle between Nintendo Wii and PS3, the newest entries in the field, every which way. But in the end, most gamers will agree with that when you boil it all down, we all want to have fun.

Mike Musgrove of the Washington Post recently did an informal study among his friends to see which console is more fun, Wii or PS3. After they spend some quality time with each console, the results were quite clear.

From the article:

I have never seen a bunch of non-gamers get into this stuff like this, and I have never heard anybody laugh so much while playing any video game. A few of them now say they plan to buy the system for themselves.

My friend Andy has always seemed to dislike video games, but he was immediately taken by the Nintendo system in a way that I — and he — did not expect. “I’m surprised by how much I like it,” he said. “The controller is so intuitive.”

A few minutes later, he was cursing the PS3. Most of my friends who picked up the PS3’s controller ended up frustrated. The typical game for the system requires players to have memorized where all the buttons are, and it’s much harder to just pick up a controller and have a good time. Some of the verdicts they offered are unprintable.

The PS3 did receive praise for its Blu-ray movie playback. Apparently, at least one his friends were quite taken with the quality of Talladga Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. But Wii was the clear winner that day, summarized with the phrase: “It’s just darn fun.”

8 Responses to “WP Prefers Nintendo Wii To PS3”

  1. 1 rishab

    i have a wii and it is sooooooo darn fun. Dont waste ur money on a ps3, GET A WII INSTEAD!!!

  2. 2 Felix

    i’ve played both the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii. I didn’t want to like the Nintendo Wii so damn much but I did. PS3 is simply too expensive and flashy right now, but the Wii is pure charming fun. ^_^ Lol

  3. 3 da_queen_14

    I think i am going to buy the nintendo wii cyctem as well…it just looks and sounds so fun. It’s definitely one of a kind

  4. 4 carcoal eater

    word, nintendo wii, is so much fun, you’ll be like… WEEEEEEEEE! and you won’t be able to contain yourself. go get one of them thangs.

  5. 5 wtf

    i have this system let me tell you this thing is a piece it gets boring so fast you wouldn’t belive. I played it for the whole day and got bored of it after im telling you from now it may look fun but in a day or two you will be 100% bored of it.

  6. 6 fdfafdsfsdfsdfsdaf

    yah i want a Wii I don’t have a HDTV so i am just going to stay with my PS2 until i get enough money! i mean is there really a big difference between the two of them??? GO WII!!

  7. 7 PS3

    If you aern’t smart enough to memorize the PS3 buttons which isn’t that hard then stick with the Wii. But the Wii doesn’t even have HD capabilities whereas the PS3 has the highest HD resolution to date.

  8. 8 Wii

    I have both the Ps3 “which is awesome by the way” and the Wii…bottom line…the PS3 is AMAZING…to LOOK at. I think the games are VERY pretty…as far as having fun…no joke, my ps3 will be collecting dust until I find a way to even WANT to go back to playing with a normal controller…the Wii is by FAR the most fun i’ve ever had playing a videogame…I don’t see how any household can actually go without the darn thing…

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