Wii Elbow: A Growing Phenomena?

Nintendo Wii is the most dangerous gameIs Wii causing a wave of injuries due to its exclusive new controller? This is one of the more ludicrous strories that’s quickly picking up momentum these days.

Here’s the alleged crisis, by way of WSJ:

…as players spend more time with the console, some are noticing that hours waving the game’s controller around can add up to fairly intense exertion — resulting in aches and pains common in more familiar forms of exercise. They’re reporting aching backs, sore shoulders — even something some have dubbed “Wii elbow.”

Nintendo spokeswoman Perrin Kaplan knows that the issue is, which seems plain as day.

“It was not meant to be a Jenny Craig supplement,” she recently explained. “If people are finding themselves sore, they may need to exercise more.”

I’m not the most physically fit guy in the world, but just like with Dance Dance Revolution, I welcome the Wiimote and the fact that it requires me tominimally exert myself physically. After all, if playing games makes me slightly more physically fit, isn’t this a good thing?

And more importantly, can I use this as a valid excuse when I want to spend 10 more minutes playing Rayman Raving Rabbids before having to visit my mother-in-law?

3 Responses to “Wii Elbow: A Growing Phenomena?”

  1. 1 Yoshark

    Wii proves itself to be good for you. XD

  2. 2 adam

    I got my Wii last week, and after playing some head-to-head with friends I noticed that my elbow and shoulder was sore from the Wii Sports Boxing game. I don’t think that I am the fittest guy around, but it was weird to hurt after playing a video game. Oh well I guess it is time to hit the gym and start training as a boxer.

  3. 3 Sarah

    I got the Wii on launch date and was extremely impressed with the system. But the day after I play it, the muscles in my elbow and back knot up badly. While I’m not the most athletic of people, I certainly wouldn’t have expected anything like this!

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