PS3 smashed, consumers weep

After much-publicized delays, Sony’s PS3 launched on Friday at quite a pretty penny: $499 for the 20GB model and $599 for the 60GB model. Some people find paying that kind of money unfathomable, but evenless fathomable is why somebody would purchase a PlayStation 3 merely to smash it into bits immediately after walking out of the store.

But that’s exactly what the webmaster of the appropriately named did. But why, oh why, would anybody do such a thing? From the FAQ:

I got nothing against Sony making money. This project only exists for the sole purpose of providing satisfaction to people who hate the PlayStation 3, or just like seeing the reaction of the people who just spend a day in line to get their hands on one of these consoles. Entertainment, nothing more!

However, they did not waste their own hard-earned money. Instead, the website solicited donations in order to purchase the priceynext generation console. It’s not particularly our cup of tea, but if you’re interested to see what tomfoolery in action looks like, feel free to take a gander .

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