No PSP Price Cut For 2006

PSP price to remain the same

No movement on PSP priceThere’s one thing that’s a constant in covering any video gaming system that has every been released on the planet — rumors of a price cut. The latest have been whispers that Sony would be cutting the price of its PSP (PlayStation Portable) to under $200US. This would, in theory, be to countattack against Nintendo DS’ success of late.

Sony, however, is quite comfortable with the PSP price as is.

“We don’t necessarily see the need to cut the price,” John Koller, a product manager at Sony Computer Entertainment, told Reuters. “We need to offer broader value and introduce new consumers to what the PSP can do.”

And in the name of broader value, the company also announced that there will be about one hundred and ten new PSP titles on the shelves by the end of 2006, which will bring the total number to about 230. Sony does have an upward climb in the race against Nintendo DS; sales of DS and DS Lite have far surpassed PlayStation Portable to date.

Source: ZDnet

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