Xbox 360, Wii, or PS3? No clear winner.

The next gen debate continuedNintendo Wii, Sony PS3, or Microsoft Xbox 360: Which will reign victorious in the upcoming next-generation battle to end all battles? Sure, Xbox 360 has a had a year head start on PS3 and Wii, but starting next month all the consoles will be out on the market, albeit some with more product than others.

Weekly Famitsu recently interviewed some of Japan’s gaming creator deities and asked about their thoughts about next-gen, and surprisingly, there was no clear “winner” named. “I think the console that produces killer titles will see sudden growth in sales. The consoles that can’t keep up will have an uphill fight,” said Yoshiki Okamoto, president of Game Republic.

“If all the [next-generation] consoles can sell 10 million units, then they’ve all won. It is possible that all the hardware will be winners, but it’s also possible that they’ll all be losers.”

Quite a zen philosophy.

Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear fame chimed in: “I think [each console] is attractive, and I want them all to do well. we’re already thinking about what we can express on each machine. I am not interested at all about which hardware succeeds. As I said, I want them all to do well.”

As we said, it sure looks like nobody is playing favorites at the moment.

One surprising announcement was made by Sora LLC president Masahiro Sakurai when speaking about Super Smash Bros. Brawl. “We have given no thought to how we’ll use the controller in Brawl. We decided to use it like a normal controller.” It may be used for special tasks, but “it will not be used in the course of normal play.”

Source: Gamespot

1 Response to “Gaming Elite Discuss Wii, PS3, Xbox 360”

  1. 1 captainobvious

    Wii is going to WIN! How can PS3 even compete when they cant’ even manage to pull a launch off? Answer: THEY CANT. And 306 is old news already…

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