Nintendo Wii is remote is no gimmick, says Reggie Fils-AimeThe Nintendo Wii remote is not going to become the next Virtual Boy, Power Glove or Donkey Konga Bongos, insists Nintendo president Reggie Fils-Aime. In fact, he’s now gone on record as going so far as to say that “Every single game makes use of the Wii remote.”

Here’s the news straight from the horse’s mouth in an interview with AOL:

I think the bongo controllers are actually a great example. The first Donkey Konga? Great. Jungle Beat? Great. But what else have we done? I mean yes, we did Donkey Konga 2, but what else have we done? Three games that made use of the bongos? It’s not enough.

Imagine if we’d made three games that made use of the DS touch screen. It wouldn’t be enough. And so that’s why every game makes innovative use of the Wii remote in some way, shape or form, whether it’s based on the sensor bar, the direct pointing capabilities or the use of the nunchuk. Every single game makes use of the Wii remote. That’s why I’m confident it won’t be a gimmick.

Be sure to print this quote and keep it in a time capsule, so that we can make sure Mr. Fils-Aime keeps to his word.

Source: Kotaku

7 Responses to “Nintendo Prez: Wii Remote Will be Used In Every Game”

  1. 1 Ben

    I think it’s a bit of a stretch to take that quote to mean that no game will EVER use a different controller. He probably just meant the games at launch and games in general. Hasn’t it already been announced that the newest smash brothers will NOT use the wiimote?

    He gave the DS touchscreen as an example. Does EVERY DS game use the touchscreen? I don’t think so but the vast majority do to SOME degree and a substantial number use it in a particularly useful way. He can point to the games coming out at launch and say they are ALL using the controller’s features to some degree. That doesn’t mean he will refuse to allow guitar hero to get on the Wii further down the line unless they make use of the wiimote.

  2. 2 Mike Mtz

    Creo que es un tipo de publicvidad negativa o despresiativa para que no se interesen en el wii pero como el nds ha demostrado que no solo el poder es importante si no la creatividad de que sirve que haiga juegos con graficas casi perfectas si no son juegos que entretienen y solo son frustaciones

    es mi punto de vista y creo que nintendo dijo que no hiba a sen inferior en graficas si no solo en consto :(

    viva nintendo el No. 1 en entretenimiento

  3. 3 Deo

    I don’t understand a word you just said Mike, expect your last line. Viva nintendo el No. 1 en entretenimiento, any nintendo fan can understand that. You’ve made my night man, rock on.

  4. 4 Armand

    Mike said:
    I think this is negative publicity or even so opresive so that people wont get interested on the Wii but just like on the DS, Nintendo has showed that not only cpu pwer or graphics power is important but that creativity is better. What good is it that you make games with allmost perfect images and graphics if there is no entertaiment or fun?, all they represent are frustrations.

    Thats my point of view, and I think nintendo said they were only going to be inferior on price.

    Viva nintendo el No. 1 en entretenimiento.
    Viva nintendo #1 in entertaintment.!!!!!

    PS. I might have some misspells but you understand.

  5. 5 fgdh

    Mike Said:
    of publicvidad negative or despresiativa so that themselves they be not interested in the wii but as the nds has shown that not alone the power is important if not the creativity that serves that haiga play with graficas almost perfect if are not play that entertain and alone they are frustaciones

  6. 6 Britt


  7. 7 Britt


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