Sam & Max Dream Of Nintendo Wii
Published by Ian Klein September 19th, 2006 in Gaming, Nintendo, Wii, PP.Will we see Sam & Max on Nintendo Wii purely because of an internet campaign to bring the beloved title to the upcoming Nintendo console? Will our faith in humanity be restored by a pairing of Sam, Max, and Wii?
That’s what the gang at Tellgame Games is hoping for, and they very well may succeed. On the official website, TG made their case.
We’d love to bring Sam & Max to the Wii. We already think it’s a good fit (as evidenced by Dan’s comment at PAX). In fact, Heather brought up way back in January how great the Wii controller would be for an adventure game (of course, back then it was called the Revolution… what kind of a dumb name is that?), and we’re great fans of Adventure Gamers’ recent article on the subject. Thing is, us thinking it’s a great idea isn’t enough. We need the guys at Nintendo to agree. And with a company as big as Nintendo, getting noticed by the right people can be tricky.
They then asked readers to e-mail Nintendo and tell them how wonderful they think Sam & Max are and what a fantastic match the duo would be on Wii. On Friday, the results turned out to be fruitful and the website update pronounced “News flash, Friday afternoon: They took notice! We got a phone call from Nintendo this afternoon. We’ll take it from here - please don’t email them anymore!”
Portable Planet will keep you posted, as we’d love to see this movement succeed. The thought of it warms out bitter, jaded souls.
just another reason why wii is 4kiddies
why does that make it for kids? have you ever even played sam and max? if you have you would know that it isn’t an easy game, something most kids could never figure out.
Actually some of their jokes are pretty adult. I wouldn’t let my little sis play with this.