PlayStation 3 Launching With Oblivion?Sony may have a very big PlayStation 3 secret that they’ve kept under wraps for an extended period of time; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion may be coming to PS3. And as a launch title, no less.

The news comes from the 1Up Yours podcast in which the title was the topic of conversation. Like the mostcasual thing in the world, the podcaster let it drop that PlayStation 3 is getting Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for launch.

Here’s the exact quote that all the hubbub is about:

“Well we’re getting so close to the PS3 and they still haven’t shown the PS3 version which is apparently a launch title and I think everyone’s curious what it has that’s different, if anything.”

This would appear to go hand in hand with a podcast done by Official PlayStation Magazine in which they stated that a new title is on the way”that you have not heard of and won’t hear about” until the November issue hits the stands. The mystery game, they said, had five words in the title.

In case you were wondering, Bethesda’s official title has always been The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Source: Kotaku

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