Xbox 360 Boss: PS3 May Miss March, TooThere’s certainly no love lost between Microsoft and Sony when it comes to Xbox 360 and PS3, respectively. And when Sony announced that PS3 was going to be delayed in Australia, it didn’t catch Microsoft’s David McLean off guard. The top Xbox Australia executive stated recently that the delay was a big yawner over at Microsoft.

“[The PS3 delay] doesn’t surprise me–and it further wouldn’t surprise me if this product wasn’t seen in March next year either,” McLean said.

“We have always been comfortable with our strategy for Christmas irrespective of Sony. We are completely unsurprised by this situation. We have actually been a little surprised at how surprised other people have been.”

With the window of opportunity at hand, Mclean hinted that Microsoft might have a few more tricks up their sleeves. “We may well look at working with our retail partners to come up with some opportunities to give gamers more choice,” he teased.

Although he seemed a bit saddened that the two next-gen consoles wouldn’t get to do battle this holiday season. “It would have been nice for people to really contrast what the Xbox 360 had to offer versus Sony this Christmas, so the vapourware aspect could go away,” sighed McLean.


5 Responses to “Xbox 360 Boss: PS3 May Miss March, Too”

  1. 1 ryan

    I actually agree with microsoft being able to criticise Sony for missing the christmas release of the PS3 for all teritories. Sony have forgot by leaving a gigantic continent till after the december period they will not only not gain but also annoy and probably loose potential customers to the Wii and Xbox 360 consoles respectively.

  2. 2 Stephen

    I agree as well…Sony has seriously dropped the ball by forcing BluRay upon gamers in the hopes of spreading their own standard across the world. It’s saddening to see that it wasn’t sales or Microsoft that brought may have brought the end to Sony, but in-fact Sony did an infamous Samurai and have fallen on their own sword.

  3. 3 cap

    i also agree it was a mistake for sony to miss the November launch but considering the problems they are having with bd crystal production it was the only sensible solution for them.
    but as for forcing blu-ray on us ? without blu-ray the games will be no more detailed texture wise than a 360 if you look at the amount of data needed to enable high res textures & high quality sound etc. you will see that a larger disc format was necessary and blu-ray was and is the best option for sony considering it will also be supported by more companies than hd-dvd it should become a more affordable format in the long run and that`s just from a hardware point of view if you take into account yhe movie side of things it has much more support for movies than hd-dvd.

    also it still plays standard dvd formats anyway so you are not being forced to rebuy your dvd collection.

    so all in all it should sell well albeit over a longer period than previous playstation brands but considering it has more support than 360 it should sell well especially when the price drops.

  4. 4 K

    That was the biggest load of crap response I ever saw from Cap!!! The PS3 is totally dominated by the 360 before it even hits the market. Sony blew it from every angle and has no shot at ever recovering at this point. The blue ray has nothing to do with better detail at all. HD-DVD is the format of choice and by the time it is even decided the internet will be fast enough to watch movies directly over the net when ever you want. So the subject is totally irrelevent. The 360 has an online gaming network that Sony will not even attempt to match and that is the absolute nail in the coffin.

    To top it off, Vista is coming out allowing you to roll between 360, handheld, cell phone and PC for all around gaming, music, communication, video etc. There is no logical reason for anyone to even consider a PS3 when you get all that with the 360.

    Of course the foolish Japanese gamers will be the last to finally accept reality and climb on the 360 train. But it will happen in the end!!!!

  5. 5 g

    ps3 is a supercomputer that will rock your world

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