PlayStation 3 Promo Movie: Real TimeUsing the power of film, Sony is producinga series of movies highlighting the attributes of PlayStation 3. The first short movie, titled Real Time, highlights the real time technology that PlayStation 3 employs. The premiere quicktime film can be seen here.

Sony’s PR describes the movie in the following manner.

“The subjects of the film are two teenage amateur lightweight boxers as they prepare for a fight. A mysterious womans voice commentates as the boxers size each other up before a bout of sparring. She explains the benefits of PlayStation 3s real time technology, which is illustrated by high definition, super slo-motion footage.

In the past, gaming devices were pre-programmed once you had worked out how to defeat them they were powerless. Using a PlayStation 3 is just like facing a human opponent. Its ability to respond makes it the most deadly competitor you will ever face.”

This is living, albeit on the slightly expensive side.

Source: I4U

5 Responses to “Sony Unveils PlayStation 3 Promo Movie”

  1. 1

    This is about 2 months old, try to keep up!

  2. 2 Robert Staehlin

    Sony first announced the slogan two weeks ago at the end of Leipzig:

    Is the moviea few days old? Yes. Two months old? No sir.

  3. 3 matt

    That sucked!!

  4. 4

    That video is NOT a few days old, it’s been available on the official (EU/UK) PS3 site for some weeks now, like I said before…try to keep up!

  5. 5 Robert Staehlin

    What happened to “two months old”? :)

    Either way, let’s agree it’s somewhere between two months old and a couple of days old by now, shall we?

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