Nintendo Wii $250 On November 19th In USA

Wii to release on November 19th for $250 in USAWii have a price and a date for the launch in North America and South America for Nintendo Wii. Nintendo’s console will be priced at a moderate $250 and will launch on November 19th, two days after Sony’s PlayStation 3 hits the market. It will be packed along with a compiliaton titled Wii Sports, which includes tennis, golf, baseball and bowling.

“Our goal is to bring gaming back to the masses,” Reggie Fils-Aime, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America, said in a telephone interview. “You see that in our pricing, you see that in the number of units we plan to make available this year and you see that in how we are positioning the Wii to appeal to every member of the household, including but not limited to the hard-core gamer.”

The Big N plans to release 25 to 30 top-tier games before years’ end, including Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess but there will not be a Mario title until 2007. Games will cost $50, the same as GameCube. Additionally, there will be approximately 30 classic games (Donkey Kong, etc.)available on Virtual Console which will cost between $5-$10 a pop.


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