Xbox 360 To Cost GBP, Undercut PS3 199Xbox 360 is set to undercut PS3 by pricing the upcoming standalone HVD-DVD drive competitively, according to retail sources. If the reports are true, then Microsoft plans to sell the add-on HD-DVD drive for GBP 199 (293 Euro) to be packaged with two high definition movies.

Additionally, the same sources indicate that Microsoft will bundle the Premium console along with the drive as a package for under GBP 400 (589 Euro) - perhaps even as low as GBP 375 (552 Euros).

This would be a massive blow to Sony’s PS3 plans, which are already thrown off track by the recently announced delayed launch until March 2007. Since the Blu-ray technology is a major selling point, having a 360 bundle with HD that’s around GBP 50 (74 Euro) could prove to be a major boon for Microsoft this holiday season. The company has already put into place a 10 price cut for the Xbox 360 Core pack.

Source: Eurogamer

4 Responses to “Report: Xbox 360 Will Undercut PS3 High Def”

  1. 1 jeff

    It’s like Sony is PURPOSELY trying to lose. By the end of this, Sony will be able to write a “how not to launch a major console” book so that others may learn from their mistakes.

  2. 2 AK

    …when this Sony catastrophy end? Exploding batteries, disk read errors, awful chip manufacturing percentages, launching Blu-Ray without a player in Japan, missing components for the PS3, PS3 price, PS3 functionality downgraded, their shallow imitation of the wii controller, UMD’s failure, the rootkit scandal… the list goes on and on. Walkman losing to Apple and iPod! The awful E3 press conference! [Giant Enemy Crab, RIIIDGE RAACER, Real time weapon change, no gimmicks followed by PSP as a rearview mirror…]
    Sony is screwed. Seriously. All they have left is the “PlayStation” brand name.

  3. 3 idk

    I’m confused. Why does no one mention that XBOX360’s external drive will not be used to play games? All it is is a movie player. Sony has said all along that the main point of Blu-Ray in the PS3 is to provide the necessary capacity for GAMES.

    M$ Fanboy: STupid Sony is forcing everyone to buy an HD movie player with their console, who even cares about HD movies!!1111

    (a few weeks later)

    M$ Fanboy: HAHAHA XBOX360 gets HD-DVD drive for less than PS3!! XBOX360 ownz!! um wait. I hate HD movies. No! I love them now!! And I love games that span 5 DVDs!!!!11111

  4. 4 Micriohump

    LOL their trying to jump on this one and beat on Sony. But no Launch is delayed. It more like a normal launch now. And it wont mater to much in long terms being as Microsoft still cant sell. LOL. But their trying. In the end of all this Sony will still at least beat Microsoft. But that’s not saying much as most major Stock market experts have said. Anyone can beat Microsoft in the gamming areas. Their that bad. I don’t even know why some of you writers even mention Microsoft as a threat in gaming. Its only two companies in reality. But it was sorta a little bit of a blow to Sony. That Nintendo could gain some ground from. Sony should still ship more PS3s in the US than japan did 360 in that short time period. And this HD BS. No one gonna want to buy a movie player! Epically as a add on.

    Nintendo should get a rise from this. Should get interesting between those two.

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