Archive for the 'Music' Category

While answering a phoned-in question for MuchOnDemand, Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus received a thrilling surprise  – the seemingly random caller was actually Hilary Duff! 
When the secret was revealed to Cyrus, she was flabbergasted and literally couldn’t speak for a few seconds.  Once she gained her composure, the host asked whether Miley wanted any advice from Ms. Duff.
“Anything!” Miley exclaimed. […]

If you’ve been wondering where Vanessa Hudgens And Zac Efron will be shooting High School Musical 3 in 2008, then wonder no more.
“High School Musical (3) will be officially shooting in Utah,” confirmed Lisa Roskelly, spokeswoman for Utah Governor John Huntsman Jr. yesterday.
As had been previously reported, HSM 3 will be released theatrically in 2008.  The 41 day […]

Michelle Trachtenberg, who we’ve watched grow up from Harriet The Spy to Dawn Summers in Buffy and now to more grown-up roles, is now starring in Seventeen alongside High School Musical 3 star Zac Efron.
She recently discussed working with Zac, and of course, the subject of Vanessa Hudgens came into the conversation as well.
Talking to People about working […]

Britney Spears as a guest judge on American Idol could have been a reality, but it appears that last year was the cutoff for the troubled singer.
Idol producer Nigel Lythgoe recently explained that he doesn’t believe that the pop star is ready for prime time at the moment.
“I would have had Britney Spears on last […]